Villagers' anger at phone mast plans

Villagers near Shrewsbury have criticised plans for a 12-metre high mobile phone mast which could be installed for use by police less than 500 metres from homes.Villagers near Shrewsbury have criticised plans for a 12-metre high mobile phone mast which could be installed for use by police less than 500 metres from homes. A site off Calcott Lane in Bicton Heath, has been identified by Airwave Solutions under a scheme to create a new national digital mobile network to replace the analogue one used by forces in the country. But villagers are angry about the health and safety implications, particularly for their children as it would be close to a primary school, a pre-school and two special needs schools. The mast itself would be 12 metres high, rising to a total of 14.5 metres with the base. Parent Eleanor Howells said: "I'm concerned about the health implications and would do anything to have this not in front of our house. "The primary school is within the beam of greatest intensity. I'm extremely concerned because my son, who is a pupil at the school, can't get away from it. "By the time the mast is up my daughter would be there too. That really concerns me because they will live their entire young lives under the shadow of this big mast and it's not clear how damaging it will be." Read more in the Shropshire Star


Villagers near Shrewsbury have criticised plans for a 12-metre high mobile phone mast which could be installed for use by police less than 500 metres from homes.

A site off Calcott Lane in Bicton Heath, has been identified by Airwave Solutions under a scheme to create a new national digital mobile network to replace the analogue one used by forces in the country.

But villagers are angry about the health and safety implications, particularly for their children as it would be close to a primary school, a pre-school and two special needs schools.

The mast itself would be 12 metres high, rising to a total of 14.5 metres with the base.

Parent Eleanor Howells said: "I'm concerned about the health implications and would do anything to have this not in front of our house.

"The primary school is within the beam of greatest intensity. I'm extremely concerned because my son, who is a pupil at the school, can't get away from it.

"By the time the mast is up my daughter would be there too. That really concerns me because they will live their entire young lives under the shadow of this big mast and it's not clear how damaging it will be."Villagers are setting up a group to fight the plans, which have been submitted to Shrewsbury and Atcham Borough Council.

And about 150 people have signed a petition opposing the proposals.

Villager John Roberts said: "It's horrendous to think they are trying to put a mast up which is only 600 metres from the local school. There's a safety issue we're concerned about and we don't think we need this mast here anyway."

Bicton Parish Council will discuss the issue on July 8.

Ann Casson, of Airwave Solutions, said: "This is communications for the emergency services and exclusively for them. It's providing much needed communication coverage for them in the area and is about them being able to communicate effectively."