Shropshire Star

Lib Dems win their fifth seat

The Liberal Democrats were celebrating today after securing an extra seat on the Oswestry Borough Council - by just 24 votes. The Liberal Democrats were celebrating today after securing an extra seat on the Oswestry Borough Council - by just 24 votes. Councillor Romer Hoseason a member of Oswestry Town Council, won the by-election for the borough's Castle Ward, which was held yesterday. The seat became vacant after Conservative Neeta Burman fell ill and was not well enough to return to the council chamber. Councillor Hoseason received 198 votes, ahead of Conservative Phil May with 174 votes and Independent Alan Davies with 139 votes. Read the full story in today's Shropshire Star


The Liberal Democrats were celebrating today after securing an extra seat on the Oswestry Borough Council - by just 24 votes.

Councillor Romer Hoseason a member of Oswestry Town Council, won the by-election for the borough's Castle Ward, which was held yesterday.

The seat became vacant after Conservative Neeta Burman fell ill and was not well enough to return to the council chamber.

A total of 513 votes were cast yesterday - a turnout of 22.24 per cent.

Councillor Hoseason received 198 votes, ahead of Conservative Phil May with 174 votes and Independent Alan Davies with 139 votes.

Councillor David Lloyd, council leader, said: "It adds a Liberal Democrat to the council, but it does not change the overall administration which will remain with the Conservatives."

There are now five Liberal Democrats on the council, 16 Conservatives, three Progressive Independent Alliance members, two Independents and two Independent Alliance members.