Mystery over 'offensive' dog mess sign

Who penned this offensive sign? - that is the question.


Who penned this offensive sign? - that is the question.

Stunned residents in Coalbrookdale say they are baffled as to who has put the professional-looking sign up near the Albert Edward Bridge in Coalbrookdale.

It warns walkers not to dump their dog muck on the river bank.

It was spotted on a fence at the rear of the Meadow Inn in Buildwas Road by Emma Taylor, the daughter of Gorge Parish councillor, Alan Taylor, as she walked with a friend along the river bank on Tuesday afternoon. It is not known how long the sign has been there.

Mr Taylor, of Broseley, said: "It's a bit offensive. I can see people's point, they get fed up of dog mess."

The sign appears to be to the point, warning those not disposing of their dog muck that "we have seen you and know who you are".

He said Jayne Madeley, the Gorge Parish Council's clerk, was now checking who was responsible for the land where the sign appeared. Mark Baker, manager of the pub, said he knew nothing of the sign near the path known as the Severn Way.

He said: "It's a bit outrageous, it's not right it should be there. I will take it down. It's a mystery why it's there."

Roger Bell, who has lived in Buildwas Road for seven years, also said he had no idea the notice was there. He said: "I don't know anything about it at all. I haven't been down to the river for quite a while, about three or four weeks because of the weather.

"Whoever it is I tend to agree with it. "Basically, if people are going to use the path they should use it responsibly."