Shropshire Star

Walt Disney cause rewrite of Shropshire village pantomime

Walt Disney triggered a last-minute rewrite for a village panto in Shropshire – after refusing permission for the amateur dramatic group to use songs from its films.


Rehearsals for Bayston Hill Players' 40th anniversary production of Alice in Wonderland were well underway when they learned there was a hitch.

The Players had planned to perform two Disney songs. But, after they wrote to Disney to check they had permission, they received a stern "no" in reply.

Instead, writer and producer Judy Shone and musical director Sue Hindson have been forced to quickly write two new songs.

The Players had hoped to sing I'm Late, I'm Late from Alice in Wonderland and Step in Time from Mary Poppins.

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Peter Shone, from the group, said: "We were refused permission with only days to go before the opening performance of the panto.

"That meant that emergency rehearsals were called so that the cast could learn new songs and dance routines.

"With two Disney songs originally included in the panto, and having been given permission by Disney to use their songs in previous Bayston Hill productions, the cast and crew were downhearted to hear Disney had denied the use of the songs.

"Disney said that they thought that the pantomime looked like great fun and wished the show every success, but still said no. Always in the past we have been able to use Disney songs but for some reason this year they said we couldn't. We were very disappointed."

He added: "But the cast really rallied around and learned the new songs and dances in record time. They were very good. They had spent months rehearsing the Disney songs so to learn the new ones as quickly as they did was amazing."

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Performances of Alice in Wonderland will be held in the Memorial Hall starting on Sunday February 14 with a matinee at 2.30pm. Evening performances from February15 to 20, starting at 7.30pm.

Tickets cost £5 and £3.50 and are on sale at Rowlands the Chemist, call (01743) 872154 and Lyth Hill Stores, call (01743) 873721.

All proceeds from the show will go to the village hall fund.

Over the years the pantomime has raised thousands of pounds for the village hall.

No one was available from Walt Disney Company for comment.

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