Mannequin challenge: Watch the world's largest prison attempt at Shrewsbury's Dana jail

It is a craze which has swept the country and gone viral and now staff and 'inmates' at Shrewsbury prison got in on the act and took part in what is possibly the world's largest prison mannequin challenge.


Organised by Jailhouse Tours, the challenge involved 150 people. From wardens to inmates they imitated mannequins while their lack of action was videoed.

The Mannequin Challenge is a viral video craze featuring people imitating mannequins and freezing for the camera while music plays in the background.

Joel Campbell, founder of The Campbell Group which owns and operates Jailhouse Tours and Immersive Events at HMP Shrewsbury, organised the Mannequin Challenge.

He said: "We wanted to use the fantastic facilities we have here in the prison to bring together the whole community and give residents the opportunity to get involved in a really exciting social media challenge.

"Myself and my wife Emma took over the prison in August 2015 and with it being such an historic place which otherwise would have been left empty, we committed ourselves wholeheartedly to breathe life back into the place.

"And events such the Mannequin Challenge, plus the tours, corporate events, and experiences we host including zombie apocalypses and 'a day in the life', do just this. What started out as a small-scale call for mannequins via Facebook, turned into a post which was seen over 18,000 times and attracted over 500 people."

The hashtag #MannequinChallenge was used for popular social media platforms such as Twitter and Instagram. It is believed that the phenomenon was started by students in Jacksonville, Florida on October 12, 2016.

The initial posting has inspired works by other groups, especially professional athletes and sports teams that have posted increasingly complex and elaborate videos.