Shropshire Star

The Big Busk 2017: Crowds join in mass street singalong during charity event - PICTURES and VIDEO

Music and dancing took over the streets of Shrewsbury as the town came together for The Big Busk 2017.


The town's fifth annual free street music festival saw more than 100 acts perform throughout the day, continuing on into the pubs into the evening, with thousands joining in and enjoying the diverse sounds on offer.

The performances ranged from soloists to choirs, morris dancers to drums and impressive ukuleles, there was something for everyone to enjoy.

Despite a mixed bag with the weather, any rain did little to dampen everyone's spirits, with crowds joyfully joining in and singing along to all the words they knew.

The highlight of the day for many was 'The Big Sing' in the Square, led by Geoff Rogers, who sang the Bob Dylan classic 'Blowing in the Wind', before Chris Allen gave a crowd pleasing version of James' 'Sit Down, joined by the Got 2 Sing choir, whom most of which - along with the crowd - ended up sitting down on the floor under strict but humorous instruction.

The day-long festival takes place in memory of talented musician, poet and artist Ben Bebbington, who was killed in 2012 in an unprovoked attack.

It is also held to raise awareness and funds for The Shrewsbury Ark, a homeless charity which supported Ben, who was 43 when he died

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