Luckiest cat in world - probably

A surprise delivery at a Shropshire pub saw staff unpack more than just barrels of beer. This black and white cat was found cowering on board the Carlsberg delivery lorry as it arrived at The Swan in Ironbridge. A surprise delivery at a Shropshire pub saw staff unpack more than just barrels of beer. This black and white cat was found cowering on board the Carlsberg delivery lorry as it arrived at The Swan in Ironbridge - but the whereabouts of its home remains a mystery. Staff at the pub have now named the adventurous feline Carlsberg after the kegs of beer it travelled with. It was discovered on the lorry frame underneath the back doors on Wednesday. Catherine Redgrave, the cleaner at the World Heritage Site pub has now given it a home. But she hopes somebody may recognise the cat if it jumped on board during another delivery in Shropshire. Anybody who thinks they may own the cat should contact Catherine on 07754 702603. Read the full story in today's Shropshire Star


Catherine Redgrave, from Brookside, with Carlsberg the cat.  Picture: Ed BagnallA surprise delivery at a Shropshire pub saw staff unpack more than just barrels of beer.

This black and white cat was found cowering on board the Carlsberg delivery lorry as it arrived at The Swan in Ironbridge - but the whereabouts of its home remains a mystery.

Staff at the pub have now named the adventurous feline Carlsberg after the kegs of beer it travelled with. It was discovered on the lorry frame underneath the back doors on Wednesday.

Catherine Redgrave, the cleaner at the World Heritage Site pub has now given it a home. But she hopes somebody may recognise the cat if it jumped on board during another delivery in Shropshire.

Mrs Redgrave said: "One of the Carlsberg delivery drivers told a colleague that there was a cat travelling under the lorry.

"We went rushing out to have a look and there it was underneath the truck. It was underneath the back of the doors, sat on the frame in between the two wheels.

"The driver said it had been on there for a while and they had tried to call him but he wouldn't come out."

Mrs Redgrave said staff coaxed the cat out and took it to the vet to find out if it was microchipped but it wasn't.

"I've now temporarily adopted a cat. I think the driver said he had delivered in Broseley before The Swan, but he could have come from anywhere," she said.

"He's ever so nice. It was definitely the highlight of our day at work. The driver said he could not take him back because he hadn't got a clue where he jumped on board."

Esther Nurse, 26, breakfast supervisor at The Swan, said she thought the driver was based in south Shropshire but had delivered in Much Wenlock and Broseley before the Ironbridge pub.

She said: "The driver just said 'don't suppose you want a cat, do you?' He said there's a cat that has been travelling underneath and we don't where it has come from.

"We gave it some milk and bacon bits from the kitchen.We didn't think we'd get a cat in the beer delivery but Carlsberg is now the pub's new mascot."

The staff at the pub said they had tried contacting rescue centres for the cat but because it was not injured they could not offer it a home.

The two women said they did not have the heart to give it to anyone else.

Mrs Redgrave said: "It's such a nice cat and my son Joshua, who will be two on Wednesday, is loving him. I think he thinks it's an early birthday present," she added.

The staff said customers will be intrigued to know what will be arriving at the pub next.

Anybody who thinks they may own the cat should contact Catherine on 07754 702603.