Cabbies want to rip out Shrewsbury refuge
Taxi drivers are calling for a new central reservation in Shrewsbury town centre to be ripped out claiming it is unsafe, snarling up traffic and slowing down their business.

Taxi drivers are calling for a new central reservation in Shrewsbury town centre to be ripped out claiming it is unsafe, snarling up traffic and slowing down their business.
The pedestrian crossing was built in September between Roushill and the Frankwell footbridge to link the walking and cycling route along Smithfield Road with Roushill Raven Meadows and Meadow Place in the town.
But the refuge has been criticised by taxi firms who believe it is responsible for daily traffic jams.
Robbie Bruce, who runs Bruce's Taxi's and also heads Access Cars in the town, said: "I've been in the business for 23 years and I've never seen the traffic as bad as this.
"It's been backing up as far as the Beacon Hotel in Copthorne.
"It's affecting business," he added.
Steve Slater, who works for Vincent Taxis added: "It's been put in the middle of nowhere. It's causing mayhem and it really needs to be removed."
But Richard Harman, for Shropshire Council, said: "Improved crossing facilities for this location on Smithfield Road were requested by a number of people during the Connect2 consultation last year.
"The crossing was trialled during a busy period in the summer and was shown to have limited impacts to traffic congestion through the adjoining junctions and rest of town."