Shropshire Star

Stiperstones school protest goes to Shirehall

CAMPAIGNERS FROM an under-threat Shropshire primary school made themselves heard with a noisy demonstration at the Shirehall today in a last-ditch bid to force a rethink on plans to close it. CAMPAIGNERS FROM an under-threat Shropshire primary school made themselves heard with a noisy demonstration at the Shirehall today in a last-ditch bid to force a rethink on plans to close it. About 50 parents, teachers, pupils and supporters of Stiperstones CE School, near Shrewsbury, honked horns as they arrived in a convoy at Shropshire Council's headquarters in Shrewsbury. A tractor decked out in balloons carrying a float left the school this morning followed by a coach carrying the campaigners, with others following behind by car. Their demonstration, which also included a rendition of their campaign anthem "Don't Go Stiperstones", came on the final day of the council's consultation over proposals to close Stiperstones and seven other county primary schools, as well as the Wakeman secondary school in Shrewsbury.


CAMPAIGNERS FROM an under-threat Shropshire primary school made themselves heard with a noisy demonstration at the Shirehall today in a last-ditch bid to force a rethink on plans to close it.

About 50 parents, teachers, pupils and supporters of Stiperstones CE School, near Shrewsbury, honked horns as they arrived in a convoy at Shropshire Council's headquarters in Shrewsbury.

A tractor decked out in balloons carrying a float left the school this morning followed by a coach carrying the campaigners, with others following behind by car.

Their demonstration, which also included a rendition of their campaign anthem "Don't Go Stiperstones", came on the final day of the council's consultation over proposals to close Stiperstones and seven other county primary schools, as well as the Wakeman secondary school in Shrewsbury.

Campaigner Tracy Eggby-Jones said they were handing over a petition with 2,400 signatures and the school's steering group report.

She said: "We have lots of support on the way here and even at Minsterley School and nursery they were out waving at us. The council keeps saying they want to listen but it's whether they are going to hear."

Shropshire councillor Heather Kidd, who travelled with the campaigners, said: "This is just the most wonderful thing I have ever taken part in. It's been amazing."

Faye Moore, from Stiperstones School's steering group, said she hoped the campaign would help protect it from the axe.

Shropshire Council says it needs to close the schools to tackle issues such as empty classroom spaces and a lack of funding for pupils.

At Onny School yesterday campaigners gave council cabinet members a copy of their counter proposals and a petition of more than 3,200 signatures.

Karen Bradshaw, Shropshire Council group manager for learning and skills, today said the outcomes would be detailed in a report to the council's cabinet on May 4.

By Russell Roberts

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