Beds to be lost in Royal Shrewsbury Hospital merger
A cancer ward at the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital is to be merged with another resulting in the loss of a number of beds, it was revealed today. A cancer ward at the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital is to be merged with another resulting in the loss of a number of beds, it was revealed today. Concerns have been raised about the plans by the Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust amid fears it could result in a reduced level of care. But health bosses claim the RSH has too many beds compared to similar hospitals across the UK and say changes have to be made. Full story in today's Shropshire Star [24link]

A cancer ward at the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital is to be merged with another resulting in the loss of a number of beds, it was revealed today.
Concerns have been raised about the plans by the Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust amid fears it could result in a reduced level of care.
But health bosses claim the RSH has too many beds compared to similar hospitals across the UK and say changes have to be made.
Under the move, the 16 beds in the oncology ward will be merged with the haematology ward.
Adam Cairns, trust chief executive, said he was not planning any redundancies as a result of the changes.
But mother of four Holly Onions, 38, from Ludlow, who has been diagnosed with terminal cancer, said she was devastated by the proposed changes.
She said: "They are taking away five beds and it's all happening by the end of November. This ward was paid for by the patients and their relatives.
"I have been here nine weeks and there is an outside area we can go and there's a flat built on the site. My husband and children are able to stay in there so I can see them. I don't know how they can even think of taking this away."
Dr Saif Awwad, consultant clinical oncologist and lead clinician for ocology and hematology services, said: "Our aim is to provide a dedicated care environment.
"These discussions are at an early stage. We always welcome comments and these can be sent to"