Letter: France song an insult to BBC's Welsh listeners
Letter: Since the opening of BBC Radio Shropshire many years ago to serve Shropshire and The Marches areas, I have always been an avid fan.

Letter: Since the opening of BBC Radio Shropshire many years ago to serve Shropshire and The Marches areas, I have always been an avid fan.
There are times when I did not always agree with certain presenters and the contents of some of the programmes.
But this is the beauty of free speech and, with changes planned by the London-based BBC, I would have fought tooth and nail in order to save any changes from being made to our station.
That is until Saturday morning when one of the presenters decided in his wisdom it would be a great whiz to play Bonnie Tyler's Lost in France just minutes after the controversial Welsh defeat in the Rugby World Cup.
Did this person not realise that Radio Shropshire covers a large part of Mid and North Wales and also that many hundreds, if not thousands of people of Welsh decent live over the border in Shropshire?
It was an insult.
Rugby is not a game in the principality but a religion. I, for one, am not ashamed of the tears shed for my team and country on Saturday.
So Radio Shropshire, don't expect this family to write to the BBC or our elected MPs to help save your jobs.
Allan Biggs-Williams