Letter: Hunting is so barbaric
Could Tom Williams, who attempted to justify hunting with hounds in his letter of February 20, please explain to me how exactly a bunch of upper class, blood thirsty people on horseback, in their hunting 'pink', chasing exhausted and terrified foxes through the countryside (and often through people's gardens) is in any way 'natural'?

Could Tom Williams, who attempted to justify hunting with hounds in his letter of February 20, please explain to me how exactly a bunch of upper class, blood thirsty people on horseback, in their hunting 'pink', chasing exhausted and terrified foxes through the countryside (and often through people's gardens) is in any way 'natural'?
This has absolutely nothing to do with nature, it is all about 'the thrill of the chase' and their enjoyment at watching wild animals being savaged.
They love it, make no mistake.
These people are always banging on about hunting being a country tradition. It may well be, but nature and tradition are not the same thing, and like many other barbaric traditions, this one should be outlawed once and for all.
Properly outlawed, not the half-hearted state of affairs that currently passes for a hunting ban.
Nick Adkin
Ketley Bank