Shropshire Star

48 lambs die after falling down well

Nearly 50 lambs plunged to their death on a farm near Much Wenlock after a concrete well cover was removed in what police this afternoon described as a 'suspicious incident'.


Nearly 50 lambs plunged to their death on a farm near Much Wenlock after a concrete well cover was removed in what police this afternoon described as a 'suspicious incident'.

The 48 animals are believed to have drowned after falling down the well on the farm at Kenley on Sunday.

West Mercia Police spokesman Richard Ewels said: "We received a report about a suspicious incident where a concrete cover which led to a well in Kenley was removed. A number of lambs have fallen to their death and possibly drowned."

He appealed for information to be reported to the police officer for Shrewsbury Rural South, Dave Harte, on 0300 3333000.