Shropshire Star

Launch of new Shropshire charity signals help for deaf

Dignitaries from across Shrewsbury came together to celebrate the launch of a new charity for the deaf.

Guest David Tudor, Shrewsbury mayor Jon Tandy, mayoress Diane Tandy, Signal chef executive Matthew Gilbert, guest James Cousins and Signal chairman Rod Clark at the launch of the Signal charity held at Shrewsbury Town Football Club

The charity, called Signal, was officially launched at Shrewsbury Town Football Club's Greenhous Meadow last night after the amalgamation of Shropshire's Woodford Foundation and the Shropshire Deafness Association.

More than 100 people attended the launch last night by Shrewsbury mayor councillor Jon Tandy, who also gave a speech.

Chester-based choir Dee Sign performed for the audience and even got members of the crowd learning some sign language.

Volunteer Suzanne Freegard said: "It was a fantastic evening with over 100 people in the audience and there was a really positive response from people to the work Signal will be doing both in Shropshire and the rest of the UK and overseas in Uganda, Zambia, Malawi and Tanzania.

"We were meant to finish at 8.30pm but people were still there an hour later and the audience participation where they learned some basic sign language really brought home the message we were trying to get across."

Signal's chief executive Mathew Gilbert said: "Hearing loss is a major issue both in the UK and overseas, yet because it is invisible many do not realise what a serious impact it has on people's lives.

"It is great news that Woodford and SDA are now coming together to share their expertise.

"Signal will continue to make a difference to people's lives both at home and abroad," he added.

The new charity will continue the work and two projects carried out by the two former organisations.

Woodford has carried out life-changing projects across Africa including helping to set up a vocational training centre for the deaf in Tanzania.

The SDA traces its origins right back to its foundation in 1856 and more recently has been busy carrying out outreach work throughout the county.

Worldwide there are 360 million adults and 32 million children with hearing loss and in the UK alone one in six people experiences hearing loss.

To find out more information visit the website at

Guests attending the launch of the new Signal charity, which aims to help deaf people acoss the UK and abroad
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