Would-be MP is campaigning to make hospital parking free
A prospective MP has launched a campaign to abolish hospital car parking charges.

Lucy Allan, who wil be the Conservative candidate for Telford in next year's election, has started a petition calling on health bosses to abandon charges at the Princess Royal Hospital.
It follows similar calls made last year by Shrewsbury and Atcham MP Daniel Kawczynski, who met with chancellor George Osborne to suggest a new national policy of removing car parking charges for hospital patients, visitors and staff.
Miss Allan said: "These charges hit the elderly, the disabled, the sick and their families the hardest. This has to be wrong."
The politician, who is a chartered accountant and a former non executive director of an NHS trust said: " I understand the financial difficulties the trust faces, but I urge the board to consider alternatives.
"Penalising those most in need is contrary to the ethos of the NHS."
In addition to her petition Miss Allan is seeking support for her campaign from Telford &Wrekin council, and MPs in constituencies whose residents are most affected.
"I believe working together gives us a stronger voice," she said.
She is also seeking a joint meeting of local representatives with Peter Herring, chief executive of the Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust.
Higher car parking charges came into place at the Royal Shrewsbury and Princess Royal Hospitals last autumn.
Visitors, who previously paid £2 to park all day, are now being charged £2.50 for up to two hours, £3 for up to five hours and £3.50 for up to 24 hours.
There are concessions available for people on long-term treatment plans or who are visiting hospital regularly, with the first 30 minutes of parking free.
To support the Telford Campaign Against Hospital Parking Charges you can log on to www.TCAHPC.co.uk or find Lucy on street stalls in local high streets across Telford over the next four weeks.