Post office service to open up in Telford shop

A relocated post office will open inside a newsagents in Telford in the next few days, it has been revealed.


Muxton Post Office will be run from a counter at Muxton Newsagents on Wellington Road from Thursday. It will be available to residents and businesses seven days a week.

The current branch on Wellington Road will close at 1pm tomorrow, and people have been advised to use branches in Donnington and Trench during Wednesday afternoon,

Post offices services will be available in Muxton between 5.30am and 8pm Monday to Saturday and from 5am until 2pm on Sundays.

The issue was discussed at last night's meeting of Lilleshall, Donnington & Muxton Parish Council, where councillors welcomed the news.


It comes after plans to move the post office to a site at Humbers Lane was dropped after opposition as raised by parish councillors and residents. It was claimed the proposed site was too far away form the community it would serve.

Council clerk Ralph Morgan told councillors athe had received a letter from the Post Office's regional network manager Adrian Wales confirming details and opening times for the new branch.

Meanwhile, councillors are considering introducing 20mph speed limits on roads in areas of Muxton.

Members were told about concerns raised by a resident living in the area about cars speeding along Marshbrook Way.

Councillor Jeremy Haigh said: "I fully agree with the residents' concerns and I have been to visit the road a number of times. Something has to be done to raise speed limit awareness in the area."

We are considering 20mph roads in some areas."