Shifnal homes bid backed amid flood row

Permission has been granted for up to 250 homes and a park in a Shropshire market town, despite concerns that it would create a risk of flooding.


Outline permission has been granted for the housing estate in Shifnal.

The site, between Stone Drive and Lloyd Grove in Shifnal, has been at the centre of a disagreement over whether drainage is working properly .

But it is prime development land because it is already included in Shropshire Council's five-year SAMDev housing plan, Shropshire Council's South Planning Committee heard at a meeting at Shrewsbury's Shirehall.

Committee chair Stuart West, who is also responsible for Shifnal South and Cosford, said the site was close to a drainage outlet into Wesley Brook, which was known to be frequently blocked, effectively forming a dam that filled with water.

Though developers Taylor Wimpey had a water reduction scheme not to add to the run-off water flow, this was still the case, he said.

Geoff Philips, speaking for residents who are concerned about the development, said Silvermere pond had never drained into Wesley Brook as intended and the new development would result in an increase in flood risk to surrounding properties.

Cllr Madge Madge Shineton said: "I cannot see that all the investment actually solves the basic problem that you've got a blocked drain from the Silvermere pool."

However, Alex Bennett, speaking for the developers, said work done in 2011 had resulted in "a higher level of outpool" but it still flowed normally.

Shropshire Council's flood and water manager David Edwards said water levels could be "attenuated" either at the pool or upstream, though details had yet to be finalised. The outline was approved.

Shifnal is at the centre of several housing applications, despite protests from people in the town. It faces the prospect of an extra 16,000 homes by 2026, which could potentially increase the size of the town by 60 per cent.