Shropshire Star

Gallery: Status Quo roll out the classics at Cholmondeley Pageant of Power

Thousands flocked to a rock and roll concert last night to kick-off festivities at an annual motoring event.


The event held at Cholmondeley Castle, near Malpas, hosted the band on the first night of the three-day motoring festival, which proved a hit with the dancing crowds.

Wearing a Status Quo band t-shirt, Mick Leaver, from Crewe, said it was the eighth time he had seen the band.

He said: "They were brilliant, as usual – just what you'd expect!

"We've had a really good day so far, we came this afternoon and watched the cars practise around the course. It's been great."

For Clare Cox and Paul Kennedy, from Shrewsbury, it was the first they had attended the event.

Ms Cox said: "We've never been before, but I thought today was really good.

"The support acts were actually really impressive too, we really enjoyed them and they were a good warm up for Status Quo!"

But the festival is only just beginning. Today (Sat) sees cars tearing up the track with a special Italian theme to celebrate England's first game against Italy in the World Cup.

With paddocks showcasing anything from a Maserati to a go-kart, petrol-heads have been examining the cars set to perform on the track today.

James Hall, event director at the Cholmondeley Pageant of Power, said: "It's been a fantastic opening to this year's Pageant – we're expecting record numbers through the gates and the bank was packed for the Status Quo concert.

"This weekend promises to be full of incredible cars roaring round our sprint track, and from Friday's dry runs it looks like we are going to have some serious speed on show in the Saturday laps."

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