Shropshire Star

Man in court over Telford drugs death case

A man today appeared before magistrates in connection with the suspected drug-related death of a Telford man.


Damian Malolepszy, 28, of Redlands Road, Hadley, was charged with being concerned in the supply of ecstasy and possession with intent to supply a controlled drug of Class A - Methylamphetamine.

The charges are in connection with the death of a 27-year-old Daniel Bagnall, who was found deceased at a property on Woodside Road in Ketley at around 1.45pm on New Year's Day.

Police believe the death could have been a result of taking an illegal drug.

Malolepszy was arrested on Saturday evening and charged yesterday.

Today he entered no pleas when he appeared before magistrates in Telford, speaking only to confirm his name.

Magistrates referred the case to Shrewsbury Crown Court where it will next be heard on March 9. Malolepszy was remanded in custody.

Meanwhile, another man today appeared in court in Ipswich charged in relation to the deaths of three men from a suspected batch of rogue drugs.

Mr Bagnall's death is being linked to the red triangular ecstasy pills marked with a distinctive Superman logo.

A fifth man, a 37-year-old from Ipswich, was taken ill in the early hours of yesterday after taking the pill but was later discharged from hospital after treatment.

Adrian Lubecki, 19, of St Matthews Street in Ipswich, has been charged with being concerned in the supply of ecstasy and a separate charge of possession with intent to supply a class B drug.

He was remanded in custody and appeared at Ipswich Magistrates Court today.

Officers are linking the first two deaths, of Justas Ropas, 22, and Gediminas Kulokas, 24, and investigating a possible connection with the third man, John Hocking, 20.

West Mercia Police believe 27-year-old Mr Bagnall, who was found dead at a property in Ketley, Telford, on New Year's Day, may also have taken the distinctive "Superman" drug. He was found dead at a house in Woodside Road at around 1.45pm.

Friends who used to drink with Mr Bagnall at the nearby Wren's Nest pub described him as "funny, generous and a laugh".

Police are urging anyone in possession of the red triangular pills in Shropshire to take them to officers at their local station.

To date, none has so far been handed in, despite an amnesty being offered by officers.

Supt Louisa Pepper of Suffolk Constabulary said: the "number one priority" for police was to prevent anyone else from coming to harm.

"It's clear that this drug is highly dangerous and we are urging anyone in possession of them not to take them," she said.

A 20-year-old man and a 26-year-old man from Ipswich, arrested on suspicion of being concerned in the supply of controlled drugs, have been released on police bail pending further investigation. Both are due to return in mid-February.

Anyone with information on Mr Bagnall's death should call police on 101, quoting incident 562S of January 1.

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