Shropshire Star

Residents in row over maintenance fees on new Telford housing development

Residents on a new development in Telford said they are prepared to go court rather than pay a maintenance charge they did not know about.


The residents claim Taylor Wimpey never told them about the maintenance charge when they brought their homes on the development in Hadley.

Martin Walker, from Sankey Drive independent residents association, said: "They should give the council the land, and let the council adopt the land and drop the charge, which is absolutely ridiculous. It keeps going up."

Taylor Wimpey say these claims are untrue.

Another resident, Becky Bird, who has been effected by the raising service charge used to cut the grass is also not happy about the situation.

She said: "We were thinking about moving but the uncertainties of the maintenance charge and what's going to happen, or even how much it's going to be.

"The fact that potential buyers may have this problem with this, we may struggle to sell the house."

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