Shropshire Star

Six months behind bars for Shrewsbury benefits cheat pensioner

A pensioner from Shrewsbury has begun a six-month jail sentence after fraudulently claiming almost £70,000 in benefits.


Guy Lewis, of Sherbourne Road, Shrewsbury, had claimed £24,436 in housing benefits and £2,229 in council tax benefits between December 15, 2008, and March 31, 2013.

Shrewsbury Crown Court heard Lewis had also claimed £41,530 in pension credits between December 8, 2008, and August 4, 2013.

But he had failed to declare that he had £90,000 in savings, meaning he was not even entitled to the benefits.

Mr Timothy Sapwell, prosecuting, said Lewis had applied for the benefits in November 2008 and when asked if he had any savings said he had £2,400.

"Investigations revealed that at the time he made the declaration, in addition to the £2,400, he had in excess of £30,000 in a bank account which had been deposited by cheque on September 17, 2008, and a policy in another account due to mature worth £60,000," Mr Sapwell said.

Lewis, 67, had admitted failing to declare his savings at an earlier hearing.

Mr Paul Smith, for Lewis, asked the judge to suspend the sentence as Lewis was in ill health due to a history of alcohol abuse.

But Judge Peter Barrie said the case was too serious to give consideration to a suspended sentence.

He said: "It's not very often that I have to consider the case of someone who has simply kept quiet about having £90,000 in the bank while adding the tax payer to offer financial support through benefits.

"I recognise that you have issues and ill health and I've taken into account everything I have heard.

"I should send you to prison for one year but you are entitled to credit for your guilty plea. I think there is personal mitigation that I should take into account. In the circumstances I sentence you to six months in prison."

Lewis was ordered to pay a surcharge of £80 and will have to pay back the benefits he was not entitled to through a proceeds of crime timetable.

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