Shropshire Star

Newport community groups urged to work together

Community groups in Newport are being urged to work more closely together.

Councillor Roy Scammell

But a proposal which could have seen the Newport Regeneration Partnership, Newport Chamber of Commerce and Newport Town Team merge in the future has been scrapped by town councillors who saw that as a step too far.

Instead, the town council will work to see if the Chamber of Commerce and Town Team could improve their relationships, work more closely together and more clearly define their individual areas of responsibility.

The plan, brought to the table by Councillors Ian Perry and Roy Scammell, sparked a mixed response from leaders of the three groups.

Town Team manager Mike Atherton suggested there was a need for all three bodies and their work could be coordinated with the town council overseeing the activities. Chamber of Commerce chairman Patrick Beech said his group had been in the town for 50 years and the Town Team could be part of it. Regeneration Partnership chairman Eric Carter said he could see an argument for the other two bodies merging and his group working more closely with them but not aligning with them.

Councillor Perry said: "I want to more clearly define the jobs that each of the three are doing. As the Mary Portas money for the town team dries up and things change they are going to have to work closer together.

"I want to see what they want, it may well be that they do not want to do anything or that they do or that it is not convenient for them or that it is but I want them working closure together . The problem is sometimes there is an overlap of what they are doing and working closure together they would understand what they are doing more.

"In fact I think all the groups work in the Newport area could work closure together and the council is the logical place to oversee that.

"All I intend to do to start with is write to the Chamber and Town Team and find out what they want. I want them to see where there is more common ground then they perhaps realise and use both their strengths to their advantage."

Mr Beech said: "We are doing the same job, we have the same problems, the same constitution yet there are three organisations, three bodies, three small fish in a big pond.

"We could merge or work more closely together but no way should we get rid of the Chamber of Commerce, we have been here for 50 years and non of our members are paid. The Town Team could be part of the Chamber but their members should not be paid."

Mr Atherton said: "I think a formal merger is unlikely but what would be really beneficial would be much closure collaborative work. There is a lot to be gained particularly for the Chamber working together with us as there is sometimes a bit of overlap there.

"The town council has an overview role and should be working with those organisations fulfilling that role.There is scope to work better together.

"I see a need in the town for all three groups, which have distinctive roles roles. There is a bit of an overlap but also a bit of misunderstanding in what those individual roles are."

Councillor Peter Scott said: "My view is that the High Street would be better served with just one robust organisation looking after it and not several."

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