Shropshire Star

Telford paedophile's victim was also raped by his cousin

The victim of rapist Mohammed Ali Sultan had also been the subject of a sex attack by his cousin, it was revealed today.


The woman, who cannot be named for legal reasons, told the Shropshire Star how convicted paedophile Sultan attacked her in her flat in Shropshire just days after she had been raped by his cousin Shahmeel Khan, who is now serving 10 years in jail for the attack.

Sultan was found guilty of two charges of rape and one of attempted rape when he appeared before Wolverhampton Crown Court earlier this month.

It was revealed after the case that Sultan, of Victoria Avenue, Wellington, was already serving seven years for his part in a gang which groomed and sexually abused a number of schoolgirls in Shropshire.

The victim, a 26-year-old nurse, today said she had suffered mental health and psychological problems since the attacks in 2007.

And she said she was not believed when she attempted to speak about the attacks on her.

She revealed that three years after the attack she shaved off her hair and attempted to take her own life as she struggled to come to terms with the ordeal.

She was just 18 years old at the time of the attack, and was living in a flat at the YMCA's Consort House project near Sultan's home in Victoria Avenue. She said she reported the rape to a member of staff at the centre, but no action was taken, and a manager even accused her of "turning the place into a brothel".

The 26-year-old woman, who cannot be named for legal reasons, said she was in constant fear in the five months that followed the first attack, saying that friends of Sultan and Khan were constantly banging on her door demanding sexual favours.

The ordeal only ended when she fled the area, she said.

The woman, who has since left the area, was first raped by Khan – who lived next door to Sultan – during May 2007, when she was 18 years old.

"He got a friend to knock on the door, and when I answered he put his foot in the door and forced his way in," she said.

Days later Sultan, who was a friend of Khan's, pushed his way into her flat and intimidated her into performing a sex act on him. Over the following months, Sultan regularly returned to her flat demanding sex, and a string of other men also began knocking on her door.

"Word had got around that I was vulnerable," she said.

Khan, now 27, was jailed after being convicted of three counts of rape at Shrewsbury Crown Court in December 2011.

The woman reported the first rape to police just days after it took place, but decided not to press charges at the time because she was afraid of the repercussions.

But she decided to go back to police in 2010 after hearing experts outlining the characteristics of the most dangerous sex offenders during her mental health studies course at university.

She told her case worker at the YMCA about the the attack, who initially appeared sympathetic.

"She gave me the number for the Rape Crisis line, and said she would tell her manager," she said.

"They did try to move me, and find me a place at another centre in Madeley, but that fell through. Then the next thing I heard was when the manager accused me of 'turning the place into a brothel', and said people were calling me names.

"The police know of my rape by Shahmeel Khan, and did nothing"

A YMCA spokeswoman said the staff and management at the centre in Telford had changed completely since 2007.

She added: "While we regrettably cannot comment on individual or historical cases, we can confirm that we have detailed policies and procedures which underpin all aspects of our work and the safeguarding of our young people is of the utmost priority."

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