New party Children of the Atom looks to make a change in Shrewsbury
The manifesto has been launched for Shropshire's newest political party – Children of the Atom.
The party, fronted by Stirling McNeillie, hopes to secure votes in the May 7 election with radical ideas for population control, housing and the economy.
In his manifesto, Mr McNeillie said: "I have a vision for this country which transcends my ingrained reluctance to step forth into the spotlight."
He is standing in Shrewsbury, where he says he is confident he will attract votes from people disillusioned with the mainstream parties.
He added: "I present my radical, transformative manifesto because I have a vision of something better, something more compelling and something that can drive humanity to greater ambition.
"I have to lead, not because I want to, not because I deserve to, but because I want a better future for this country.
"The UtopiaXperiment is the name we have given to our visionary plan for Britain.
"Life is one big experiment. We need to start again from scratch. The orchard of life today provides nothing but rotten fruit; other political parties continue to harvest this fruit in new ways, but the outcome always results in a bitter taste of decay."
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In his manifesto 42-year-old Mr McNeillie from Shrewsbury proposes the creation of a society where by debt is eradicated and the creation of debt-free money, called Seed. This in turn would fuel ethical capitalism, a fair society and re-invigorate democracy.
The Children of the Atom also proposes a new tax system with a single 10 per cent annual tax on all electronic bank deposits and issued notes and coins. It also proposes a universal payment to everyone for life, from birth to death, of £27,000. Under the Seed scheme there will be free childcare provision, education and training for everyone until the age of 21.
Mr McNeillie also proposes a population reduction target for the country which will attract financial penalties for when targets are missed. Births will be reduced as will inward migration.
With regard to housing he proposes a scheme whereby the government will guarantee to purchase homes and commercial properties at five per cent below market value after one month on sale.
"We are not interested in local government politics we are a national and internationally focussed party. All our candidates will have to pass the British Mensa IQ test. Our party is new, it's ambitious and we are raring to go."
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