Shropshire Star

Shropshire boss avoids jail for punching employee unconscious in wages row

A businessman punched his employee several times causing him to fall unconscious following a row over wages, a court heard.


Andrew Holford overreacted during a row over pay outside The Malt Shovel pub in Highley, near Bridgnorth.

Shrewsbury Crown Court heard that Holford, 48, admitted he caused Paul Barrett actual bodily harm after punching him on July 20 last year.

Mr Kevin Jones, prosecuting, said in a police interview that Holford said Mr Barrett had attacked him and he punched him in self-defence.

He said: "Mr Barrett had been out drinking at The Malt Shovel pub. He realised Mr Holford was coming to see him and went out into the car park. There had been a dispute between the two regarding money in the lead up to the day.

"The defendant arrived at the pub. The pair had an argument and Mr Holford punches Mr Barrett three to four times. The complainant doesn't recall the incident as he was knocked unconscious. The incident was caught on CCTV.

"The injuries Mr Barrett sustained were a split lip which needed 20 stitches, bruises and swelling to both eyes, a broken nose and significant bleeding."

Mr Chris Granger, for Holford, of Netherfield, Highley, said the ongoing dispute was about a week's wages.

He told the court: "Mr Holford arrived at the pub to settle the dispute with his employee.

"Mr Barrett created the situation. Mr Holford turns his back and tried to go back to his vehicle intending to leave when Mr Barrett swears and comes towards him shouting.

"Mr Holford simply defends himself and panics. He overreacted.

"Mr Holford runs two teams of construction workers in the local area. He went to the pub with good faith to resolve the issue amicably. He panicked and it ended in violence which was not intended.

"He was of previous good character and this was an isolated incident. He is an upstanding member of the community."

Sentencing, Recorder Gareth Evans said: "You have come before the court at the age of 48 of previous good character.

"It is an absolute disgrace you are in front of this court.

"Whatever happened between you and Mr Barrett, you hit him with excessive force. That was an appalling thing to do to a person, whatever the dispute.

"You are otherwise an upright citizen. You are within an ace of going to prison for this."

He sentenced Holford to eight months imprisonment, suspended for 18 months and 150 hours' unpaid work. He was also ordered to pay £1,500 costs, £1,000 compensation and a £100 victim surcharge.

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