Shropshire Star

Number of pregnant smokers at new low in Shropshire

The number of Shropshire women who smoke during pregnancy has fallen to its lowest ever recorded level, new figures have revealed.


Of the 2,307 pregnancies in Shropshire recorded during 2014/15, some 289 involved mothers who were smokers at the time of delivery, figures from the Health and Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC) reveal.

This is equivalent to 12.5 per cent of pregnancies – the lowest ever recorded level. But in Telford the figure was much higher.

Last year the borough was named and shamed as one of the worst areas in the UK for women smoking during pregnancy.

  • Shropshire Council's Help2Quit service provides a dedicated service for pregnant women, their partners, family and friends

  • Help2Quit is one of a range of support services available through ip&e’s new Help2Change team

  • The Pregnancy Help2Quit service is available in GP surgeries, pharmacies, community venues and in people’s own homes

  • For more information, call 0345 678 9025 or go to

Latest figures reveal that of the 1,988 pregnancies recorded during 2014/15 in Telford & Wrekin, 421 involved mothers who were smokers at the time of delivery – 21.2 per cent. This is a reduction from last year's figure of 22 per cent.

The Government has a target of reducing the number of pregnant women smoking to 11 per cent by the end of the year.

Health officials say smoking is the single biggest risk to a healthy pregnancy.

According to medical experts, smoking during pregnancy increases the chances of abnormal foetal growth, which in turns raises the risk of a baby being stillborn, among other health problems.

Karen Calder, Shropshire Council's cabinet member for health, said: "Smoking is very addictive and harmful and we want to improve the health of pregnant women and their babies. Smoking in pregnancy can cause miscarriage, stillbirth and cot death.

"It's really encouraging to see a reduction in the number of pregnant women who smoke in Shropshire. This reflects the dedication of our local Help2Quit Service and maternity teams, who are doing excellent work in supporting mums to go smoke-free."

A Telford & Wrekin Council spokesman said: "In 2014-15 Telford & Wrekin recorded 21.2% of women smoking at time of delivery.

"Locally we have seen a drop in the number of women smoking during pregnancy. In 2013-14, we recorded 471, this year there was a reduction of 50 and we recorded only 421.

"In Telford and Wrekin, we have a service that supports women and their partners to reduce the harm to them and their babies during pregnancy and beyond.

"They are a friendly non-judgemental service that offer both techniques to beat craving and give free Nicotine Replacement Therapy, which is safe to both mother and baby, to enable you to stop smoking while you are pregnancy and stay smoke free afterwards.

"A partnership between the local authority, Maternity Services and the CCG have been formed to continue to work with mothers to be, to reduce the number that smoke during pregnancy.

"This year alone the partnership has introduced a number of initiatives including automatic referral to the Telford & Wrekin Stop Smoking Service, so they can talk about reducing the harm to mother and baby during pregnancy, training for midwives and clear pathway of care from maternity to the stop smoking services.

"Telford & Wrekin Council is aware of the current gap between local levels and smoking during pregnancy and national levels. Locally we have the very challenging target of closing that gap.

"The new service provided by Stop 4 Life will continue to work with maternity but are growing their relationship with GP's and improving earlier referral support to the service. From local consultation with mothers, women want the facts and want to understand the risk to them and their unborn child, so we are working on a model to ensure mothers know all these facts."

Councillor Richard Overton, Telford & Wrekin Council's cabinet lead for Public Health, said: "We are committed in Telford & Wrekin to work together to support woman to quit smoking during pregnancy.

"It's important to get friendly and supportive help and you are four times more likely to quit with our service, than if you go it alone."

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