Shropshire Star

Trio have 'lucky escape' after car left teetering over 20ft embankment in Telford

Three people had a "lucky escape" after the car they were in left a Telford road and was left teetering over the edge of a 20ft embankment.


The Vauxhall was left mangled after going through a fence and coming to rest precariously close to the drop near the Furrows garage in Haybridge Road, Wellington.

One person was taken to Telford's Princess Royal Hospital after the accident and motorists were forced to perform u-turns as the road was sealed off during rush hour.

A spokesman for West Mercia Police said: "The car went through the fence and was literally hanging off the edge. They had a very lucky escape, it could have been so much worse."

Chris Kowalik, spokesman for West Midlands Ambulance Service, said: "We were called at 7.12am yesterday to reports a car had collided with a wall.

"There was only one car involved.

"There were three people inside the car and one was taken to Princess Royal Hospital.

"The other two, one of which was a man in his 60s, were out and walking by the time we arrived on the scene and did not require hospital treatment."

The road was closed off by police from the roundabout down to the entrance for Telford College of Arts and Technology while the scene was cleared and a recovery vehicle moved the car.

It was re-opened to traffic shortly after 9am, police said.

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