Shropshire Star

Watch: Choir is singing out for new male voices

A 50-year-old choir may soon be singing its last tune due to falling membership.

Wrekin & Telford Singers rehearsing with, in front, Keith Gardner, left, and Nykko Gregoire at the piano

The Wrekin & Telford Singers are calling for new male voices to join the group after a decline in numbers has left them struggling to hit the low notes.

"Unless we get new blood in the group, the future looks bleak," said Keith Gardner, the choir's musical director of 11 years, though he is optimistic about attracting new members thanks to modernising their uniform and repertoire.

The choir, which can trace its roots to 1962, has seen its numbers dwindle lately as more and more members step down due to illness.

Since becoming known as the Wrekin Choral Society in 1963 under musical director Bryan Harper, the group has seen many name and repertoire changes in order to keep up with the tastes of their audiences. After taking the reins in 2004, following Bryan's death, Keith has steered the group towards more popular music.

Wrekin & Telford Singers rehearsing with, in front, Keith Gardner, left, and Nykko Gregoire at the piano

"We have begun to go forward and change with the times," said Mr Gardner.

"I would like to believe that we have a long road ahead of us in continuing to bring enjoyment through singing in the community."

They are now inviting new blood into their ranks to fill the struggling bass and tenor sections, though they are happy to welcome any new voices.

With a number of charity performances looming, the close-knit group is hoping to welcome new faces in time to help them honour their forthcoming commitments.

They are hosting a concert in aid of Nepal on September 26, and a remembrance concert on November 14, after last year's show raised £600 for Help for Heroes.

WTS secretary Karen Seales added: "We have two key events coming up and both have already had a lot of hard work put into them.

"It would be upsetting to see us unable to perform to the quality deserved by the organisers and audience."

Other singers also spoke about what the choir means to them. "I have never met such a friendly group of people," said Judi Woodyet. "The fact that we don't hold auditions means that there is no pressure put on newcomers."

To join the choir come along to their rehearsals at 7.30pm on Fridays at Hadley Methodist Church, Telford.

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