Shropshire Star

Shropshire gran's appeal over stolen garden tools

Mollie Bloore loves nothing more than visiting her grandparents' barge and planting flowers in the greenhouse made just for her - but thieves have stolen Mollie's greenhouse, and her tools.


Fortunately her grandparents were able to replace the items before two-year-old Mollie realised what had happened.

But they are appealing for the vandals to hand back what they have taken – including Mollie's little duck watering can.

"To say I am furious is an understatement," said Mollie's grandmother Serena Campbell.

"She loved the area outside our boat and enjoyed spending time at it when visiting us.

"She doesn't have a garden to play in where she lives with her mother so this was her little haven."

Mrs Campbell said she and her husband had settled on their boat, at the moorings in Waterside Drive, and enjoyed living in Market Drayton.

They had hired a pontoon from the canal and river trust and that was where they had set up a gardening patch for Mollie, who lives in the town.

She added: "I know it wouldn't cost much to replace but it is not the point.

"Everything in it she has done herself and watched it grow over the last five months.

"The first thing she does as soon as she arrives here at the boat is water and tend to it. Her granddad has gone and bought her some new stuff plus the community has been really helpful getting together to replace the stolen items.

"We wanted to replace it all before my granddaughter saw it as she would have been heartbroken.

"We never had any issues before until a couple of weeks ago when our fishing equipment were stolen as well.

"I just hope whoever has stolen the items comes forward and returns them to us – no questions asked or nothing said to them," Mrs Campbell added.

She continued: "If they are reading this now we ask if they just leave it somewhere where it can be seen and we will collect it from the side of the street or anywhere where we can find it."

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