Shropshire Star

Call to have say over future of Telford homes

Residents who have spent years fighting applications to build homes in Telford were today urged to have their say on a document that will shape the future of the borough.


Consultation has been launched on Telford & Wrekin Local Plan, which has been drawn up to meet the demands of those people who want fewer new homes, expansion of green space and allocation of new land for employment.

People living in the borough will have until September 25 to give their views before Telford & Wrekin Council sends the document to the Government's Planning Inspectorate for final approval.

The document allocates more than 40 per cent fewer new homes than what was agreed by planning officers five years ago. It would also give further power to block speculative developments outside of the plan, protect 100 community open spaces from development, and potentially providing 25,000 jobs through new employment land.

Separately, the council has also committed to creating a Green Guarantee. The community will be asked to add at least another 50 sites that would be protected from development.

Councillor Richard Overton, the council's deputy leader and cabinet member for housing, public health and protection, said: "The local plan is a very clear statement on what we believe should be the direction of the borough's future housing and employment development.

"We have listened to the feedback we have had from local people and the number of homes allocated in the local plan is more than 41 per cent less than what was agreed in 2010. This plan would give us further power to block speculative developments outside the plan.

"We have also committed to expanding our Green Network and to protecting another 100 community green spaces.

"The borough's mix of urban and green space is what makes this borough so special.

"Finally, the plan envisages creating employment land that could provide for up to 25,000 jobs – essential to support our growing population and to ensure the borough remains a place that people can live and work in.

"We want to hear from people what they think about the plan – for example are the sites for development the right ones and, if not, where would people want them to go?

"We have ensured that the local plan reflects the feedback we have already had and it's vital we hear as many views as possible and I would urge everyone to get involved in the consultation."

Full details of the consultation, as well as the local plan document, can be seen at

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