Shropshire Star

Pictures and video: 'Amazing' storm batters Shropshire causing treacherous conditions

It came suddenly, brought extreme weather all over Shropshire and was gone almost as quickly as it arrived.


The Met Office had predicted thunderstorms as a consequence of a Spanish Plume, when hot and humid air is pushed from Iberia into Northern Europe and Britain.

And the effect of that plume crashed into Shropshire at around 7pm on Saturday.

It had been a hot day, with temperatures as high as 26C (79F), but those conditions changed rapidly when the skies darkened and the winds picked up.

The sky moved through ever darker shades of grey and the wind picked up, whipping tree branches into life.

This was followed by rain and then the deep bass-tone of thunder, accompanied by flashes of lightning.

In many cases the lightning was seen to run at ninety degrees to the ground rather than down to it.

Some people reported 'tornado like' conditions, with the winds funnelling and flinging rain horizontally at windows.

Kelly Roberts, from Shrewsbury, said: "This is one of the biggest storms we have seen for years. It's been amazing to watch."

Georgina Evans, 56, from Worthen near Shrewsbury, said she was sitting in the conservatory at her home watching the sky when the storm rolled in.

She said: "It was obvious that a storm was coming, the clouds were puffing in grey and silver and the birds were frantically flying into trees for shelter.

"A local cat hid under a table in the garden too terrified to move and all this was this was before the first crack of thunder or strike of lightening - they sensed it coming."

The fire service was called to Newport where it was believed that someone had been struck by lightning, however this turned out to be a false alarm.

We want to see you storm pictures.

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