Shropshire Star

Hit-and-run Ludlow victim battling to recovery

A mother-of-two who thought she might never walk again after being knocked down in a hit-and-run collision has spoken of her battle back to health.


But one year on Kellie Lysy, 24, says the driver of the car that knocked her down in Ludlow town centre still has not been brought to justice.

Coming up to the anniversary of the life-changing collision, she has now been discharged from hospital and hopes to leave her crutches behind for good after intense physiotherapy.

But, she said, she believed the man behind the wheel is still driving around.

Police arrested and bailed three men from the Birmingham area following the crash, but the driver responsible has yet to go through the court system.

Kellie had watched her friend's son in a boxing tournament and was about to nip into the Bull Hotel on Corve Street for a drink before heading home to Sandpits Close when she was hit by a blue MG ZR on October 11, just after midnight.

Kellie said she remembered seeing it coming at her but nothing after the collision itself.

She suffered two breaks and one fracture to her pelvis, three fractures to spinal vertebrae and two to her hip bone, a broken tibia and a dislocated hip, as well as a one-inch hole in her forehead and a torn bladder with internal bleeding.

She was taken to Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham. She said: "After days in intensive care I finally got transferred to a ward when I was able to see my two beautiful children."

But she said her children Alexa and Tristan did not know how to respond and were scared to touch her in case they hurt her more.

Her mother Alex Banner stopped working to look after her and the children, she said.

"Just before Christmas I got to go home to my mum's, but I was bed bound. It just wasn't the same – I couldn't be the mum I wanted to be, the mum I used to be to my children. Not only did I suffer the injury side, I also turned into a hermit. I couldn't be by myself, had panic attacks.

"But my amazing kids, family and friends helped me through it, never let me give up and always placed positivity on me."

A West Mercia Police spokeswoman said a 28-year-old man from the Birmingham area is wanted on warrant for arrest over the collision.

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