Shropshire's record-breaking crossword king does it again

He's done it again - world record breaking Shropshire crossword compiler Roger Squires is once more included in the latest edition of Guinness World Records.


Roger, from Ironbridge, is in the 2016 edition which came out this month.

His entry reads: "Most crosswords in a lifetime. After 50-plus years of setting for some 115 publications, Roger F Squires (UK) had published more than 77,854 by Feb 2015, which equates to roughly 2.34 million clues."

Roger says: "The editor has apologised for leaving out my other records - longest crossword, longest word in a published crossword, and so on, saying he may use these for the next edition.

"Being big-headed I quite like being included in the book."

His abbreviated entry is better than the fate which befell him a while ago when for some time he was not included at all.

"I was dropped in the 2009 edition, but went back into the record book in the 2014 edition when it had a new editor."

At the age of 83 Roger is still appearing regularly in the Telegraph, Guardian and FT.