Closed doors fears raised over Shropshire libraries

Decisions to shut libraries could be taken behind closed doors, a councillor has warned.


Hannah Fraser, Liberal Democrat councillor for Shrewsbury's Abbey ward, has criticised Shropshire Council policy, which allows for the closure of individual libraries to be confirmed at cabinet decision-making sessions, which are not open to the public.

Councillor Fraser said the practice means the decision-making process cannot be scrutinised by the public.

But Steve Charmley, Shropshire Council's cabinet member for business and culture, who will be responsible for decisions over individual libraries, rejected the claim.

He insisted the process, which encourages people to talk to cabinet members informally, is more flexible.

Councillor Fraser said: "I am greatly concerned this paper does not rule out closure of libraries, in fact it states library closure may need to be considered. In addition, the portfolio holder can take a decision to close a library in a closed session that no member of the public is allowed to attend."

Councillor Charmley defended the process and

said: "We encourage everyone to have their say in all the consultations that are running, or will be running, on the future of libraries, and all views will be taken into account as we make future decisions."