Shropshire Star

Amphitheatre plans for Shrewsbury's Dana prison site

Plans for a 200-seat open air amphitheatre at the site of the former Dana prison have been unveiled by the man behind its redevelopment.

Dana Prison in Shrewsbury

The proposal is the latest announced by the owner of the Shrewsbury prison site, Trevor Osborne, who has a range of ideas including 120 units of student accommodation, a hotel, conversion of the gatehouse and offices into 20 flats, a gym and fitness centre, as well as other leisure facilities including a restaurant and café, retail units and potential workspaces.

Mr Osborne unveiled his plans to more than 65 Castlefields residents where it was standing room only at a meeting at Castlefields Community Hall.

One of the significant developments would be the creation of a walled garden and large areas of green space.

Trevor Osborne

Outside the walls Mr Osborne showed the old Lancastrian School as apartments with parking under a retail outlet linked to the horticultural elements of the site.

A 45-bedroom hotel is also proposed on the site of the old visitor centre.

The response from Castlefields residents was broadly positive for the ideas put forward, however, concerns were expressed in regards to some aspects including the impact the facilities would have on parking and traffic in the area.

Alan Mosley, councillor for Castlefields and Ditherington, said: "Most residents appreciated that the site must be redeveloped and that many of the proposed uses would complement the area."

However, there were concerns that the plans would result in the over-development of the site and its surrounding area – in particular due to the proposed three storey hotel, as well as the "burden" of parking and traffic on the area.

Calls were made for "adequate parking" in Castlefields as part of the scheme.

One resident at the meeting said that Castlefields is a residential area that already suffers from shoppers and commuters using the streets to avoid paid for parking.

"There is great inconvenience to residents in many streets throughout Castlefields who find it impossible to park and unless adequate parking is provided prior to its opening and all users of the site directed to it then there will be chaos," he said.

Councillor Mosley said: "I was delighted to be able to organise the meeting and overall the residents were positive and supportive about most aspect of the proposals.

"However, there are key features that require clarification through the planning process.

"We all appreciate that Trevor Osborne has now visited on two occasions and are pleased that he has promised to return in future and says that he will take account of the views of residents.

"This is a most important project for Castlefields and Shrewsbury as a whole."

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