Shropshire Star

Facebook users help catch Telford thief after CCTV posted

Telford burglar Jacob Plant became a social media 'star' after CCTV footage of him stealing a bike was plastered all over Facebook.


Plant, together with another man, broke into a garage in Oakengates and stole goods, including the bike, worth £737, Telford Magistrates Court heard yesterday.

But Andrew Brown, who had been having a nap at his home in Withington Close, was awoken by a noise. He looked at CCTV footage monitoring his house and posted it online.

It quickly led to Plant, 22, being identified as one of the burglars, the court heard.

Mrs Abigail Hall, prosecuting, said Mr Brown had seen two men outside and shouted at them. They fled the scene, but he then made the discovery that his garage had been broken in to and two bikes were missing. Mr Brown put the images on Facebook and received information back from people who saw his post.

Mrs Hall said: "He was also told where the bikes were and went to retrieve them."

Despite getting his bikes back, the court heard that £600 worth of damage was caused to the garage door during the break-in. Plant was then arrested.

Mrs Hall said: "In interview, Plant admitted breaking in to the garage and admitted stealing one of the bikes."

He said he had kicked the garage door and it had broken, allowing him to get inside. Plant, of New Road, Wrockwardine Wood, Telford, admitted burglary on October 5.

Plant was handed a 12-month community order, with a requirement to address his issues with alcohol.

He was also ordered to pay £200 compensation, a £50 fine, £75 costs, a £180 criminal courts charge and £60 victim surcharge.

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