Shropshire Star

Inquiry date set over Whitchurch homes plan refusal

A public inquiry will be held next summer to decide whether controversial plans to create up to 39 homes in Whitchurch should go ahead.


A date has now been fixed for the inquiry, which will last up to four days and will see a government planning inspector determine whether outline plans to create the homes off Tarporley Road should be approved.

The developers, the Muller Property Group, decided to appeal against Shropshire Council's decision to refuse the scheme. The inquiry will take place from July 12 at a venue to be confirmed. The scheme includes creating a mix of two to four bedroom homes with private garden space and an area of public open space.

But council officials refused planning permission for a number of reasons, including the site not being a recognised area for development.

Shropshire Council received about 10 letters from the public who raised concerns about access and the town's infrastructure not being able to cope with new homes.

Whitchurch Town Council also objected to the plans after raising concerns about waste water and the scheme being outside Shropshire Council's housing development plan, SAMDev.

Shropshire Council's 'statement of case' says the development will harm the character and appearance of the area. It also says the scheme conflicts with the council's SAMDev.

The statement adds: "The site is not a recognised site for development. The council is also of the opinion that it can now demonstrate an adequate five-year supply of house building land.

"The development would have a significant and demonstrable harm on the character and appearance of the area, and the setting of the nearby listed buildings.

"The proposed development is likely to increase pressure on the existing foul drainage system to an unacceptable level, to which insufficient information has been demonstrated in order to overcome these concerns. The council intends to defend all five reasons for refusal and will provide planning evidence on all matters."

The applicants' statement of case says the scheme will provide much needed housing in the area. "The appellant will demonstrate the council's concerns are unwarranted," the statement adds.

Whitchurch has been inundated with housing applications over the past year. Planning officers approved for 90 homes to be built off Tarporley Road, Whitchurch, in December last year.

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