Shropshire Star

Telford man dressed as a woman sexually assaulted teenage girl in Shrewsbury

A Telford man who was dressed in woman's clothing sexually assaulted a teenage girl in Shrewsbury town centre, a court was told.


Paul James Banfield, 43, admitted inappropriately touching and kissing a 17-year-old in a public place last June.

Shrewsbury Crown Court was told this was the third young girl that Banfield had approached and behaved in a similar manner and that the police had growing concerns for the risk he posed.

Banfield, of Stonedale, Sutton Hill, was handed an 18-week prison sentence, suspended for two years. He pleaded guilty to one count of sexual assault.

The victim was walking in Shrewsbury town centre when she was approached by Banfield, who was dressed as a woman.

Mr Thomas Kenning, prosecuting, said: "She felt sorry for him, she didn't rebuff him straight away when he approached her. He was acting oddly.

"She knew he was a man dressed as a woman He was making inappropriate comments that he liked the way she dressed. He made comments about her boyfriend.

"She started to feel uncomfortable. He put his arm around her, she said she had to go and he told her he wanted to go with her. He was kissing her and touching her. She felt repulsed and was extremely uncomfortable.

"She later told her mother and broke down and the police were called."

The court was told how Banfield, who has learning difficulties, had behaved similarly before with two young girls, one of whom was in school uniform, and with a college student. He had previously been to court for those offences and handed a community order and sexual harm prevention order.

Judge Robin Onions warned Banfield that he was "heading for prison".

Speaking directly to Banfield he said: "You have now come to the attention of the authorities on four separate occasions.

"In 2013, you behaved inappropriately with two young girls, one was in school uniform. You were given a community order and prevention orders which you breached. "Here you were on this day out in Shrewsbury dressed in female clothing and you came across the victim.

"You should be thoroughly ashamed and you frightened her. This is the third young girl that you have assaulted in public. If you go on as you are at the moment prison is where you will go. You cannot go on like this."

Banfield was also made subject to a rehabilitation activity requirement, 125 hours unpaid work and a sexual harm prevention order.

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