Shropshire Star

Telford MP Lucy Allan grateful for kindness of strangers in her Christmas message

Lucy Allan has reflected on a "difficult time for me and my family" in her Christmas message.


The Telford MP, who has also released a video review of the year, said she was grateful for the support she has received, both from friends and strangers, during recent weeks in which she has dominated the headlines.

In the message, she says: "There is no point pretending it has been anything other than a difficult time for me and my family. I have learned that if you reach out to others they will be there for you. That is a powerful message, particularly at this time of year.

"I have always known what a blessing it is to have loving family and friends, but this Christmas I truly understand that it is the kindness of strangers that demonstrates our shared humanity.

"I have never worked harder than in my first year as Telford's MP. It is so often the smallest successes that give me the greatest pride. I treasure the times when I can make a positive difference to someone's life, however small.

"To those who have expressed their concern for me and my family, I am deeply grateful. I have kept my friends and family close and I look forward getting on with the job of serving Telford in 2016.

"The Christmas message offers a sense of healing and renewed strength. I hope that everyone in Telford is able to find joy and happiness through that message, no matter what is happening in their lives.

"I wish everyone in Telford not only a peaceful and joyful Christmas, but also hope for a fantastic 2016."

Ms Allan has been under fire since publishing an email on Facebook which she said was sent to her following her decision to vote in favour of air strikes on Syria.

She was accused by "Rusty Shackleford", an alias of Adam Watling, son of Telford & Wrekin councillor Paul Watling, of faking a death threat by adding the words "unless you die" to the email.

Ms Allan said the post was a combination of two emails she had received on the matter.

Last week Arianne Plumbly, an ex-employee of Ms Allan, made public voicemails her former boss had left after she was signed off sick for stress. In the messages Ms Allan appears to question Ms Plumbly's illness and suggests she may have an "alcohol problem".

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