Shropshire Star

Christmas for Shropshire expats: Steve and Zoe Bailey in New Zealand

It's a third Christmas in New Zealand for Steve and Zoe Bailey, who moved from Shrewsbury in September 2013.


The couple live in North Canterbury, a 30-minute drive from Christchurch, and will be spending their time home with the family.

Many of the sights in Canberbury, known for its grassy plains, snow-capped mountains and sparkling lakes, will be familiar to fans of Lord of the Rings, as it was used as a location for much of the filming.

Zoe, 40, says moving abroad was something she and Steve had often considered.

"Emigrating was always something we talked about as we had both travelled and lived in different countries," she says.

"The opportunity to come to New Zealand arose when Steve got offered a job rebuilding Christchurch after the earthquakes. We then just decided to go for it and there was nothing to lose."

Zoe, who works as a personal trainer, says the family will this year spend Christmas with Steve's father Dennis, who lives on Shrewsbury's Telford Estate.

"This will certainly help with us being so far away from our family and friends," says Zoe.

People tend to eat their Christmas dinner alfresco, although the Baileys will be doing their bit to keep the British culture alive.

"We will be celebrating the day at our home having a barbecue with a few of our English traditions thrown in.

"We can't forget the pigs in blankets, cranberry and bread sauce."

Steve with a cultural icon

She and Steve, 41, used to live in Harlescott Crescent, and Zoe says there are many things they both miss about their home town.

"Steve says he misses going to The Masonic pub on a Saturday afternoon to watch the football with his mates," says Zoe.

"I miss a Sunday roast at my nan's house, a proper Chinese curry and a glass of sparkly with my bestie.

Being on the opposite side of the world, Christmas is very different in New Zealand, falling in the middle of summer with temperatures hovering around the high 70s, and more than six hours of sunshine.

"It is generally hot and sunny, and is also the summer break from school," she says.

"Our children Ellis, 11, and Lexi, nine, have eight weeks off, so there is lots of fun happening during the festive period.

"Happy Christmas to everyone we know, sending our love from New Zealand."

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