Shropshire Star

Shrewsbury Town Council freezes council tax for third year running.

Shrewsbury Town Council has decided to freeze council tax for the third year running.


Councillors are expected to approve a budget for 2016/17 on Monday that will see the average Band D home pay £38.39 as the town council portion of their annual council tax bill.

Councillor Alan Mosley, leader of the council, said they were pleased at having been able to freeze council tax for three years – as well as continuing to provide services. He said: "Basically although we have had a reduction in our income, especially as a result of cuts in what we receive from Shropshire Council, we have made realistic and meaningful efficiencies and we feel that while protecting our services we are able to remain at the level of council tax that we have had for the last three years.

"This is testament to the work of senior officers and all our staff and it is also significant that we have been able to make progress to do that in other areas. They include the renewal of our main play park in the Quarry and the introduction of youth services in the Shrewsbury area."

Councillor Mosley said the council would be looking to secure new premises for next year due to University Centre Shrewsbury taking over Guildhall.

The council revealed in December that it was looking to take over Shrewsbury Library as a town centre base.

He said: "Clearly we have been working hard on the youth contract, we are also working hard on our accommodation strategy as we must leave the Guildhall. We are in discussions with Shropshire Council about co-location at the town library and taking over the running of library services."

Shropshire Council's cabinet has also approved a proposal that will see the local authority portion of the council tax bill increase by 3.99 per cent for 2016/17.

The move, which still needs to be formally passed, means the average Band D property will see its bills increase by £46.47 for next year.

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