Shropshire Star

Shrewsbury OAP threw stones at neighbours house in noise row

A Shrewsbury pensioner threw stones at his neighbour's house as a row over noise escalated, a court has heard.


Robert Page, of Old Heath, Shrewsbury, pleaded guilty to a charge of using threatening or abusive words or behaviour likely to cause harassment, harm or distress at Shrewsbury Magistrates Court.

He was caught on CCTV on October 3, 2015, throwing stones at a property behind his house, after a dispute over noise with the people who lived there.

Page said he had made complaints to his landlord on several occasions about loud shouting and laughter coming from a terrace which backed on to his property, and had become involved in verbal exchanges with neighbours, the court was told.

In his defence Page, who was described as a painter and decorator who was well regarded in the local area, told the court that he had lived at the property for 30 years without any problems but said that he had acted in frustration.

Page claimed that he had been walking back towards his property when he heard shouts and laughter coming from the terrace, which he believed were directed at him, and this had caused him to react in the way in which he did.

Adrian Roberts, for Page, said his client had never been in trouble before in his life.

"The noise from the flats sometimes went on until 4am and he and some of his neighbours found this distressing," he said. "He had had enough. On the day this happened he knew he should not have done it."

Magistrates praised the defendant for "having the good grace to plead guilty", but imposed a twelve-month restraining order and ordered Page to pay £135 costs, as well as a £15 victim surcharge.

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