Shropshire Star

Shrewsbury Dana plans under spotlight at meeting

People concerned about ambitious plans to convert Shrewsbury's former prison are being invited to a meeting with senior planning chiefs.


Leader of Shrewsbury Town Council and ward member for Castlefields, Alan Mosley has arranged for planning officials to attend the meeting to ally fears over the future development of The Dana.

The jail is set to be turned into a mixed development, including a gym, residential student flats, cafe and restaurant and a walled garden.

The plans have been put forward by developer Trevor Osborne, who says he wants it to be a complex that will be enjoyed by the whole town.

Councillor Mosley said: "I have arranged a meeting for people to meet with senior planning officers regarding the outline planning application recently submitted by Trevor Osborne's company.

Ian Kilby, the planning services manager will be present and I hope the planning officer designated to this case, Mark Lynch and the relevant highways and traffic office, Mark Wooten, will also be in attendance.

"Obviously the officers will not be there to discuss the merits of the case. However they will explain how the planning process works and provide advice about how to comment effectively, in other words focus on material planning considerations.

"They will also listen to the concerns of residents and hear any objections. This will give them a real flavour of what local residents feel will be the real impact of the proposals.

"This is not instead of people commenting on the on-line forms but in addition to. If they have already commented then they can make additional ones based on what they learn at the meeting.

The meeting will be held at Castlefields Community Centre on February 8, at 7pm.

Councillor Mosley will chair the meeting and give a brief outline of the application and report on any developments, including feedback from a meeting with Mr Osborne.

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