Shropshire Star

Telford phone box used for over 19 hoax calls to police and fire service

A public phone box in Telford has been the source where a number of hoax calls have been made to emergency services, police say.


The calls to the police and fire service have been made from the phone on Ayr Close, in Leegomery.

Police officers from the Hadley and Leegomery Safer Neighbourhood Team have handed out leaflets in the area asking for witnesses to come forward.

The phone box has also been damaged by spray paint, which has been reported to BT.

Pc Rob Hughes said: "In the last year over nineteen calls to police as well as calls to the fire service were made from the call box.

"Some of the calls are made from children, who were abusive to the call handler.

"It is important that the persons making these calls realise that a fire engine sent to a false call puts lives in danger.

"We will continue to monitor the problem and take action against anyone caught committing an offence."

Pc Hughes also said residents say the phone box is no longer needed, it is a bit of an eye sore and it attracts anti-social behaviour.

Anyone with information is asked to call police on 101.

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