Shropshire Star

MP Glyn Davies 'to hold 20 talks' before EU decision

One of the region's MPs has pledged to hold "at least 20 public meetings" before he decides which way he will vote in the EU referendum.


Glyn Davies said he believed the issue of Britain's relationship with EU should be decided by the people.

He now plans to hold the meetings across his Montgomeryshire constituency before the referendum is held. Mr Davies said he wants to see the referendum held in September, saying debate on such an important decision should not be rushed. But he says it now looks likely that the date will be June 23.

It's an issue that has proved divisive for decades – and now campaigning has started ahead of the referendum on whether Britain stays or leaves the European Union.

This advertising truck appeared in The Square in Shrewsbury as part of campaigning by supporters of the pro-Europe camp.

It marks the start of what will no doubt become intense political campaigning for both sides ahead of the vote, which is expected to take place this summer.

Those on the streets of Shrewsbury appeared to reflect the current mood of the nation, with an even split of opinions offered near where the truck was parked.

Sarah Wilcox, 34, from Shrewsbury, said she would be voting to leave.

"I think we should get out," she said. "Immigration is out of control and it's putting a huge strain on the NHS, and it's only going to get worse.

"We haven't got any control over who comes in and that can't be right."

But Sam Evans, 27, from Telford, said he would be voting for Britain to remain part of the EU.

"We get a lot of economic benefits from being in Europe and there are trading arrangements which are in place that are a good thing," he said.

He added: "I think it would send a bad message if we were to leave the EU, it'd make us look like a bit of a backward-looking country, I think."

The battle is on for both sides to capture the votes of the 'undecided', with one in five people polled still to decide which side to back.

He is one of three MPs in the region – the others are Shrewsbury MP Daniel Kawczynski and Ludlow MP Philip Dunne – who are yet to decide how they will vote on the issue.

Wrekin MP Mark Pritchard has said he will vote for Britain to stay in the EU, while North Shropshire MP Owen Paterson and Telford MP Lucy Allan intend to vote to leave.

Mr Paterson, a former Environment Secretary, is a major player in the Vote Leave campaign. Mr Davies said: "The referendum must be, and be seen to be, a matter for the British people to decide.

"I am steadfastly refusing to commit to either side until much closer to the referendum date.

"Before I commit myself I need to discuss this issue with my constituents. I also need to consult with the Montgomeryshire Conservative Association, whose members work voluntarily to help me be elected.

"My aim is to arrange at least 20 meetings before referendum day. By then I hope we'll have developed a clear view which side of this important debate we are on."

The MP said what had to be considered was what reforms might be on the table, and how significant they were. "The EU commitment to 'ever closer union' could be dropped," he said. "This would be significant if it's nailed down. But that's a big big if.

"There's talk of protection for non-Euro countries from the ever more powerful German-controlled eurozone as fiscal union inevitably follows monetary union. But is this more than just talk?

"We need to understand what the 'red card' system and the 'emergency brake' actually mean in practice. And we need to know to what extent we have any control over our own borders. There are so many questions ."

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