Shropshire Star

Police increase Ellesmere patrols after spate of vandalism

Police have increased high visibility patrols in an attempt to tackle vandalism in one of Shropshire's market towns.


Investigations have started after a spate of vandalism in Ellesmere's town centre.

Constable Paul Crump, West Mercia Police's safer neighbourhood officer for the Ellesmere area, said they had reports of a window of a private property being smashed and the hot water pipe being damaged on a business recently.

He said the damage had been caused in Cross Street and Watergate Street.

Constable Crump said: "Because of this recent damage we have reviewed the CCTV cameras in the town and are looking at working with the town council to get two more cameras.

"We had a site visit with Shropshire Councils anti-social behaviour team and came up with a problem solving plan which we are operating.

"As part of that we are going to increase our patrols in the town centre.

"There has been an issue with reporting some of the vandalism and I would urge anyone who sees anything to contact police on the 101 number."

It comes after a business owner said he would install his own CCTV cameras to help catch vandals in the act.

Lincoln McMullan, chairman of All Together Ellesmere, which leases the market hall, will set up his own CCTV cameras to cover the market hall and his shop The Signtists, in Scotland Street, to crack down on the damage.

He said: "My trade has been damaged so I am paying myself for two new CCTV cameras.

"They will have night-time technology, 24 hour surveillance and a zoom function.

"I am installing one to cover my shop and one to cover down the side of the market hall. They will be fitted on Monday.

"There is not a huge problem of vandalism in Ellesmere but when it does happen it can be a huge cost to the home or business owner. It increases insurance and is mindless vandalism. These people need to be taken into account and charged."

The issue has also been discussed by members of Ellesmere Town Council after the town's mayor Councillor Ian Ward received reports of shop windows being damaged and drainpipes being ripped off.

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