Homes move prompts Wem level crossing concern
Concerns have been raised over the impact two housing developments could have on a problem level crossing in Shropshire.
An appeal hearing held at Shirehall yesterday heard of fears that any development off Shawbury Road in Wem could increase problems at the town's level crossing – known for causing traffic tailbacks and long delays.
The two sets of plans – one for 27 homes and another for 17 – were submitted to Shropshire Council in January last year.
But applicants Miss M Jones and FSPH Ratcliff appealed when the authority failed to make a decision on whether or not to grant the schemes outline permission.
At the hearing yesterday, government planning inspector Beverley Doward heard concerns over the potential impact on the level crossing on Aston Road.
Shropshire Council area planning manager Tim Rogers said: "It is nonsense to suggest that this would have no implications for the level crossing. The convenient route is to go over the level crossing so there will be implications over and above that from the windfall and SAMDev planned housing."
Adrian Cooper, planning policy team leader for the authority, said: "In terms of infrastructure it is more complicated than just the crossing.
"Wem has a particularly difficult case with traffic management because of the way it is laid out. While there is an issue with the crossing, it is not to say it will have no impact on the town centre." On behalf of the appellant, Helen Howie, of Berry's, said: "We absolutely refute that development from this site would lead to increased pressures on the crossing.
"This is a B-road and goes on to the A49.
"You would not go through the town on to the level crossing."
The appellant also added that while Shropshire Council had demonstrated a five-year land supply for homes, more houses were needed to ensure the council delivers on its commitments.