Shropshire Star

Shrewsbury's Quarry swimming centre should be replaced by out-of-town pool, says council

Shrewsbury's Quarry swimming pool should be closed and a new pool built out of the town centre, Shropshire Council has recommended.


The council has published its long-awaited recommendations on the future of the town's swimming pool, announcing a preferred option of Shrewsbury Sports Village, Sundorne, which would cost more than £9 million.

In a report issued by George Candler, the council's director or place and enterprise, the authority says the option is the lowest cost – £149,000 – over a 25-year period.

The report also says there is no "hard evidence about the economic benefit of the Quarry to Shrewsbury town centre".

A consultation carried out by the council found that more than 60 per cent of people wanted the pool to remain in Shrewsbury's town centre. Thousands of people have also joined two public rallies calling for the pool to remain at its current site.

Stuart West, Shropshire Council's Cabinet member for culture and leisure, said that the council would allow groups 12 months to come up with a suitable business plan to keep the pool at the Quarry before proceeding with their proposal.

He said: "Following a great deal of work over the past two years, and after careful consideration and evaluation of the seven options, the Sports Village has emerged as the location that best meets Shropshire Council's objectives for future swimming provision in Shrewsbury – including the key factor of affordability. It has therefore been put forward as the preferred, recommended option.

"However, it's clear from the consultation that the majority of people want swimming provision to remain at the Quarry, and this is why we have given groups and organisations time to come up with their own alternative proposals to retain swimming at this site. We will carefully consider any proposals that they put forward before making a final decision.

"Any proposals put forward would need to meet the council's vision and priorities for swimming provision in Shrewsbury. They must provide a long-term swimming facility that's affordable to run both now and in the future, must increase participation in swimming and physical activity, and must be complementary to other leisure facilities in the town."

The report concludes that renovating the Quarry or building a new pool on the same site would cost £12.8 million or £10.9 million respectively.

It states that a new build at Shrewsbury Sports Village would cost £9 million, with a potential for £3 million of funding available, leaving the council to find £6 million, potentially through borrowing.

Bernard Wills, chairman of the Quarry Forum, which has been campaigning to keep the pool at the Quarry said he was disappointed.

He said: "We are very disappointed but not surprised because all the indications ever since they started the process were that it was always going to be based at Sundorne.

"We will continue to fight to keep it at the Quarry and to come up with an alternative plan but if it is moved and relocated then we will continue to press for appropriate facilities and one that meets peoples needs.

"The Quarry pool does not meet today's demand and the recommended pool is a third smaller."

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