Residents moved out of Newport retirement home hit by car
Residents have been moved out of eighteen apartments at a retirement home in Newport because of damage caused by an out-of-control car that smashed through railings and into the building.

A large hole was left in the front of the building at the McCarthy and Stone-run facility at Butter Cross Court, Newport.
Residents who have had to be removed from their homes have been given temporary alternative accommodation while a review is done into the amount of damage caused.
A spokeswoman for McCarthy and Stone, said that the firm was working closely with residents and staff to make sure the transition is as simple as possible.
She said: "We treat all matters relating to the safety of our homeowners with the utmost importance.
"Following the accident at Butter Cross Court, where a car reversed into the development from the main road, we are supporting our homeowners and working closely with the emergency services, who are managing the incident.
"Fortunately, none of our residents were injured in the accident, and the driver of the car is also reported to be uninjured.
"Our house manager at the development and our regional team are working with our homeowners, particularly those whose apartments have been affected.
"Residents of 18 apartments were evacuated by the fire and rescue services, and we will be providing alternative accommodation for those who need to move out on a temporary basis.
"We will also be undertaking a full structural review to understand the impact of the damage."
The crash happened at just before 11.45am on Wednesday. Onlookers said they heard a loud revving sound before seeing the white Mercedes A180 reverse out of a disabled space and hit the building at speed.
The car went through railings, across a small garden area and through the wall of the property. The fire service rescued the female driver trapped in the car and made the area safe. Nearby Stafford Street was shut off to help control traffic to the area.