Shropshire Star

Shrewsbury supermarket vote: 58% want Waitrose over Lidl

The Shropshire Star ran a poll asking which supermarket you would prefer in Shrewsbury, a Lidl or a Waitrose, as the row rumbles on over new developments on Oteley Road.


Over 700 people took our poll with 58% saying they would prefer to have a Waitrose built.

Waitrose last week told Shropshire Council that a Lidl store proposed nearby would "seriously jeopardise the chances of this store happening."

The chain has planning permission to build a 30,000 sq ft store next to Percy Thrower's Wyvale Garden Centre.

However, the project has stalled with Waitrose blaming "significant upheaval in the supermarket industry" for the delay.

In a letter to Shropshire Council, Ken Harrison last week, acquisitions and development manager at Waitrose, has asked the council to reject plans for a Lidl store at land next to Shrewsbury Town Football Club, despite not being able to say when his company will begin work on their supermarket.

He said: "I am still unable to say when the new store will be built, or indeed whether we would want to vary the application to improve its viability, but what is certain is that if the council approve the Lidl planning application, as a result of the impact it will have on our trade, it will seriously jeopardise the chances of this store happening."

Here is what Shrewsbury readers said online

Joanne Platt said: "Waitrose have some great ranges, particularly at Christmas, and I'd love to be able to buy them locally."

Sarah Spence said: "There are plenty of cheap shops around to choose from , come on let's have some quality for a change."

Pam Stone said: "Waitrose please! There is already a Lldl and an Aldi in Shrewsbury but the nearest Waitrose (apart from the little one in town) is miles away."

Beccy Bradburn said: "Waitrose at Lidl prices?"

Nick Swankie: "Either will do. But a Waitrose would be my preference. But if they're stalling then let Lidl crack on."

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